Reinhard Zich, think his artworks are like his children to develop and to ensure perfection for the sake of them..

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I met an Austrian artist/actor Reinhard Zich, living in İstanbul; I visited his showroom in a nice historic house in Moda. “Between The Lines” was the name of his catalogue. I think his works exceeds the limits of the lines..

What do you think  about the contemporary art works  in Turkey and in theworld?

Turkey has a very young modern art scene which provides contemporary impulses to the art giving it vibrancy and soul. Worldwide there are so many different new experimentations in new art that it is a challenge to do something new. 

My inspiration source is based on a reflection of the experiences, challenges and opportunities and hence provides an authentic artistic synthesis. I choose Istanbul to live mostly, because it gives me a lot of new inspiration for my art work and new impulses, contexts, cultures and people.

“Logical Consequences”, acryl, high polish gilding, pure gold 24 karat, on canvas, 120×150 cm, 2013

Tell me about pls. your solo expo in your Studio.. What is the concept? What kind of materials and technics do you use to create your paintings?

The concept to have my own shoowroom very close to my atelier is that my clients can come and see how I work and they can see also my finished work and can also directly acquire my artwork.

There are different types and technics of gold gilding. I use normaly the high- polish gilding and the polish-poliment gilding, oil paints fusing the traditional methods with new materials, colorwise artist acrylics.

“Authentic Chic” acryl, high polish-poliment gilding,
platinum gold 23.75 karat, on canvas, 70×90 cm. 2015

What is the “happiness” for you? Does the art do you happy?

Happiness is a big word. But I am happy when I am in the nature and when I can see the sun and the moon, the sea and the mountains and the animals which are living in the nature. I am happy when i receive love  and when I can give love.I am happy when I understand in a meditation that I am and all we are unique, I am happy when I hold a child in my armes, especially when it is crying and it needs consolation. I am happy when I feel free, when I can act and show what I feel, express myself openly.
Of course also my art works makes me very happy.. When I wake up in the morning my first thoughts are how I will continue today with my artwork. They are like my children that I want to develop and ensure perfection for the sake of them.
What is the “success” for you?
Succes is when finally I complete my art work how I envisaged it that it should look like and when people and my clients love my artworks. Then I am ready for the next challenge seek the opportunity to paint a new.
Why and when did you choose İstanbul to live in? And speciallly Moda?
Moda I chose as a base due to the active arts scene and its authenticity, its very liberal very close to the sea and many other artist are living here, so you may say an ideal basis for new emergening art.
How do you describe İstanbul with your five senses? As a smell, a view, a touch, a flavour and a sound?
I like the smell of the sea with a slight breeze wind that brings all different smells of Istanbul together. I like the view from Bostancı to the four princess Islands.

Istanbul is touching me because the people are so friendly and and they try to give their best when I need help. I enjoy to eat fresh fish in Istanbul. I always buy it at the fish market, prepare it so it stays authentic. There are so many sounds but one that stands out to me is ships signals are tooting and seagulls are screeching in the background, the fusion of nature and technology, freedom and structure. When the musicians on the ships play their instruments typical turkish songs.

 “Promising Darkness” 125x250cm, acryl, gold oil pastel,
platin gold 23,75 karat, on canvas.    This is the half of the picture.. :))) 
To see the whole picture you have to go on 13 & 14 Octobre between 16.00 – 19.00 t
Reinhard Zich’s showroom  (adress: Halis Efendi Sok. No.4 Moda Kadıköy İstanbul)

When will be yout next presentation?
My new contemporary art creation “Promising Darkness ” will be presented in few days..

It is not only a creation but a message to the world. Dedicated to all victims from the past over the presence to the future. 

You will be captivated and overwhelmed with emotions by the words which are written in the uneasy red triangle…


Reinhard Zich was born in Vienna in 1961. His early life was heavily influenced by his mother who instilled in the young Reinhard a sense of creativity, and passion for the arts. 

Upon compleation of his acting training he moved to Rome in 1985 where he preformed in both stage and screen. His movie appearances included also “La vita e bella” and “Karol”, a Pope who remained a man. While living in Berlin in 2005 he began to paint. His unique technique involves a combination of acrylic and gold leaf. He has recieved many private commissions from Rome, Hamburg, Berlin, Vienna and Brussels.

He has played parts in the movies “Çanakkale Savaşı 1915” and “8 Saniye” under the direction of Ömer Faruk Sorak. He has opened his first showroom in the Kadıköy/Moda area of the city. The works in this exhibition are the first offering of an unique artist.
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